Sunday, November 25, 2012

Toggle collapsing and formatting code in Visual Studio

Few useful tips for Visual Studio developers :
1- for collapse all methods in VS Editor : Ctrl+M+O
2- for un-collapse all methods : Ctrl+M+P
3- for toggle collapse for current method : Ctrl+M+M
4- for formatting code : Ctrl+A / Ctrl+K+F

Let's go back to programming ProWeb !

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Toggle collapsing and formatting code in Visual Studio

Few useful tips for Visual Studio developers :
1- for collapse all methods in VS Editor : Ctrl+M+O
2- for un-collapse all methods : Ctrl+M+P
3- for toggle collapse for current method : Ctrl+M+M
4- for formatting code : Ctrl+A / Ctrl+K+F

Let's go back to programming ProWeb !