Visitor design pattern represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure.
Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.
Using visitor you put all operations to be performed on various elements of an object to a single separate class names "Visitor".
Here I'm publishing a sample code to demonstrate how to use this design pattern to in marketing solution.
Here we have a portfolio of products ( portfolio has many elements/products ) and every product has a method named "Accept" which accepts a visitor and calls it's Visit(..) function by sending itself as argument to it.
Please see following code for more detailed information :
#ifndef _VISITOR_H #define _VISITOR_H #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <algorithm> #include <list> using namespace std; class Tableau; class KaraPhone; class ProductPortfo; class ProductBase; class ProductVisitor { public: virtual void Visit(Tableau* )=0; virtual void Visit(KaraPhone* )=0; virtual void Visit(ProductPortfo* )=0; }; class ProductBase { public: virtual void Accept(class ProductVisitor* )=0; string Name; }; class Tableau:public ProductBase { private: Tableau(){} public : Tableau(string pName){Name=pName;} void Accept(ProductVisitor* pVisitor) { pVisitor->Visit(this); } }; class KaraPhone:public ProductBase { private: KaraPhone(){} public : KaraPhone(string pName){Name=pName;} void Accept(ProductVisitor* pVisitor) { pVisitor->Visit(this); } }; class ProductPortfo:public ProductBase { public: ProductBase *mProducts[2]; public: ProductPortfo() { mProducts[0]= new Tableau("tableau7"); mProducts[1]= new KaraPhone("Karaphonev1"); Name="Products Portfo"; } void Accept(ProductVisitor *pVisitor) { for(int i=0;i<sizeof(mProducts)/sizeof(mProducts[0]);i++) mProducts[i]->Accept(pVisitor); pVisitor->Visit(this); } }; class PresentorVisitor:public ProductVisitor { public : void Visit(Tableau *pTableau) { cout << "PRESENT: best BI solution is " << pTableau->Name; } void Visit(KaraPhone *pKaraPhone) { cout << "PRESENT: Karaphone helps you to enefit :" << pKaraPhone->Name; } void Visit(ProductPortfo *pProd) { cout << "PRESE tell about company products " << pProd->Name; } }; class POCVisitor:public ProductVisitor { public : void Visit(Tableau *pTableau) { cout << " POC: this dashboard is made by " << pTableau->Name; } void Visit(KaraPhone *pKaraPhone) { cout << "POC: this benefit is after running this :" << pKaraPhone->Name; } void Visit(ProductPortfo *pProd) { cout << "Give CD of demo softwares :" << pProd->Name; } }; #endif