Sunday, July 1, 2012

Decompose text to valid words (Word breaking)

Given a dictionary of valid words and an input text, write a function to check if the input text can be decomposed into valid words from dictionary.
Hint 1: use dynamic programming technique.
Hint 2: define T[k] is true if text[0...k] can be decomposed into valid words
Hint 3: T[k] is true if there exists any j : 0..k-1 where T[j] is true and text[j..k] is a valid word in dictionary.
This hints help us to write a simple loop to get the answer.

static string dic[4]={"bed","bath","beyond","and"};

bool decomps(string txt)
 map<string,bool> dm;
 for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
 vector<bool> t(txt.size()+1,false);
 for(int k=1;k<=txt.size();k++)
  bool candecomp=false;
  for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
   string srch=txt.substr(i,k-i);
   map<string,bool>::iterator f=dm.find(srch);
   if(t[i]==true && f!=dm.end())
 return t[txt.size()];
void  test_decomp()
 cout << decomps("bedbathandbeyond");

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Decompose text to valid words (Word breaking)

Given a dictionary of valid words and an input text, write a function to check if the input text can be decomposed into valid words from dictionary.
Hint 1: use dynamic programming technique.
Hint 2: define T[k] is true if text[0...k] can be decomposed into valid words
Hint 3: T[k] is true if there exists any j : 0..k-1 where T[j] is true and text[j..k] is a valid word in dictionary.
This hints help us to write a simple loop to get the answer.

static string dic[4]={"bed","bath","beyond","and"};

bool decomps(string txt)
 map<string,bool> dm;
 for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
 vector<bool> t(txt.size()+1,false);
 for(int k=1;k<=txt.size();k++)
  bool candecomp=false;
  for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
   string srch=txt.substr(i,k-i);
   map<string,bool>::iterator f=dm.find(srch);
   if(t[i]==true && f!=dm.end())
 return t[txt.size()];
void  test_decomp()
 cout << decomps("bedbathandbeyond");

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